Monday, July 14, 2008


I stumbled onto this pretty cool looking plug-in for Outlook. So cool that I'm considering using Outlook as an email client, which is pretty hard in my case since I'm on a Mac the majority of my time now.

It was built by a company called Xobni (inbox spelled backwards). I find this especially intriguing as they received their initial funding from Paul Graham and associate's Y Combinator program. A program that myself and a couple of guys applied to several years back but probably didn't get any attention as we were focusing more on biotechnology tools rather than more general applications. Regardless this seems like a pretty awesome plug-in and I'm sure to test it out very soon!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ceiling Mount for Projector

I found the projector I wanted at bestbuy today! Here is the mount I plan on getting from amazon.

Office Cabinets

So I got four EFFEKTIV office cabinets from IKEA and have been eager to put them up in my wife and I's apartment. Unfortunately once opening it up I realized that the wholes on the cabinet where it is to be mounted on the wall do not correspond to the wall studs.

I was able to find this excellent forum post over at IKEAFANS. A post on the forum suggested using a suspension rail that IKEA offers with some of its other products (ie - Akurum Cabinets). Why IKEA doesn't offer this solution with all of their cabinet systems is beyond me, but hopefully this little mix and match hack will help out.

Additional Links:

Locating a Wall Stud
Post on Installing Akurum Cabinets
IKEA's own DIY on Hanging Cabinets

Monday, July 7, 2008

Job at Google

Curious at how to land that job at google? I've always been!

Steve Yegge has this excellent post covering an insider's perspective on how to land that dream job at google.

Wordpress on OSX

I've had this other site for a while. And since I'm a little bit OCD about controlling everything I've decided to stop posting to that site until I clean up the PHP a little bit.

I did setup a developer subdomain but that isn't the ideal situation as I'd be wasting bandwidth while testing (even though I barely use any of it). Thus I decided to get a Wordpress working on my Mac so that I can test the PHP locally as well as having a versioning system manage the code. The two sites that I've found extremely useful are Working with PHP in Mac OS X 10.5 and Leopard: How to Install Wordpress.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Refactor :my => 'code'

What an awesome concept/tool! Programmers helping programmers make beautiful code.

Regex Review

I've been a little out of practice using regexs since finishing Graduate School. While in school I was using a lot of Perl and thus a lot of regexs. Now at work my regex experience has been limited to using grep to parse out certain lines from files.

I decided to spend some time reviewing regexs today so I wouldn't loose this very useful programming skill. I found several posts from a blog written by Mike Malone where he covers regexs on several levels.

  1. The absolute bare minimum every programmer should know about regular expressions

  2. 5 Regular Expressions Every Web Programmer Should Know

  3. Extreme regex foo: what you need to know to become a regular expression pro

And here is one link from my that provides an overall cheatsheet of regular expressions.