Friday, June 13, 2008

Security Primer

So I lied. I haven't been posting as frequently as I claimed I was going to. In fact I haven't been posting at all.

This past week I was working on installing Apache Derby on my Mac and decided to take the time to learn more about Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). I found this awesome post that gave me a good overview of the application and how to install/run it in OSX.

UPDATE 11/7/2008: So I followed this primer word for word and had the keys backed up. I've been working on a new computer so I never got the chance to transfer everything over. Decided it was time that I handled this for these keys and went about restoring my public and private keychains. The public one went fine and imported with no problems.

The private one was another story. I banged my head against a wall for an hour before realizing what was going on. In the tutorial linked above, it mentions that when you export your private key "you will also symmetrically encrypt your private key backup with a passphrase and then output it as an ASCII armored file". What I was doing was trying to import the private key without decrypting it. Upon figuring this out, I realized the following command worked (with the use of my passphrase of course):

gpg --decrypt privatekey.pgp.asc | gpg --import

Just a gotcha for anyone that ever reads this blog (mainly me)!

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