Seriously, why do we even bookmark anymore? Now I'm not talking about that little piece of paper you used to mark in a book. I'm talking about those hundreds of links you have in your Bookmark Menu or Toolbar that have not been visited to in over a year.
I myself am guilty of it. That's partially my reason for starting this blog. Between my computer and my delicious, I'd say I have close to 800 bookmarks. That's insane!
Now here is the real issue, if I was presented with those 800 bookmarks today I would not know what 90% of them were for. I would have to revisit each site and spend about 15 seconds or so trying to figure out what I saved them for. That's about 3 hours sorting through bookmarks. That's a waste of bleeping time!
So one's initial questions would be why do you have that many bookmarks? Or don't you delete them when you're done? Or isn't your bookmark title specific enough to tell you what the bookmark is for? I'll admit there's quite a bit of self inflicted pain here. But it's what the technology I am using currently supports.
So back to the purpose of this blog. What I've been doing is, every site I visit daily that I find of bookmarking worthiness I post about it here and write a little splurge about it. I mean I feel its far more likely for me to go back and read through my posts rather than shift through old bookmarks.
But what about the social aspect of it? What about sites such as delicious (just realized their URL is now rather than the creative, bummer) that allow users to share their bookmarks? You know, that is a problem... my current methodology of "bookmarking" does not support me sharing my bookmarks on those sites.
What would be cool though is if someone developed a blogging client or blogger javascript that once I posted a post would somehow take all the links in that post and store them on my delicious account. What would be even cooler is if this application would take the labels from a blogger post and create them as tags to be associated with the delicious bookmarks. Sound crazy? Looks like people are already trying to build something such as this. We'll see if I can find something suitable or build something better.
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