This is a comic from xkcd that appeared a couple of weeks ago. I found the strip to be particularly funny because on the very day I saw it, I had considered doing yet another blog post that apologized for never updating.
What's even funnier is that at the time I only had one follower and she was my cousin. So even if I wrote that post, at most only two people would be reading it. For me, that was a make or break moment for this blog. I had to get back to the roots and figure out why I was doing this in the first place. What I found was rather surprising.
For one, I realized that I'm a web newb. Not in the sense that I just started using the internet but in the sense that I never really picked up the social power behind using the web. I've been on the web for over 10 years and I just figured that out?! I've never really used forums, done online gaming, or met random people online (via chatrooms, social networking, etc). What's worse is that I have a computer science degree. For some crazy reason I excel at face to face communication but when it comes to social interaction I'm like one of the shyest guys on the net. Its like I'm some kind of Bizarro Computer Scientist.
The other thing I realized that at no point during the lifetime of this blog or my other currently stagnant blog did I ever really think about why I did blogging in the first place. That's crazy! It's one thing to do a proof of concept really quickly but you eventually got to iron out the details. I haven't 'ironed out the details' for like four years!
So I decided that I needed to think a little about this blog. Think about whether it made sense for me to just scrap the whole thing or to actually commit to blogging. I even did a google search for "blogging beginner". I found the post, 23 Questions for Prospective Bloggers - Is a Blog Right for You which covers just about everything you should consider before you start blogging.
So with that, I'd like to announce the relaunch of Caveman Ramblings. I'll still be talking about random things but the focus will be on how I try to live an overall healthy lifestyle. More to come on this soon!
UPDATE: I now have two followers, so we're about to rock this thing out!
make that 3! thanks for checkin' out my blog, i'll be back!
See now, I'm the complete opposite. Throw me in a room of people, & I clam up. But in the blogosphere? The verbal diarrhea never ceases to amaze me.
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