Friday, May 20, 2011

Ask Questions. The 2011 Version

In today's age we really have no excuse to be left wondering about most questions. Long gone is the waiting for answers period of wondering about something then having to wait until you get your hands on an Encyclopedia or ask someone who may have the knowledge you are seeking.

Today, with the internet, most answers are literally at our fingertips. You won't find answers to the bigger questions such as "why am I here" but you may find something to guide you to your personal answer.

So what are the hottest resources available to us in 2011?

  • Google. The search engine is by far the most powerful resource. It amazes me how so many people still don't know how to utilize this tool. You can literally ask it anything and it will find some kind of answer for you. If you're results are obscure it means your query probably was too. Like everything it takes practice to utilize it but if you use it everyday you'll ability to find answers quickly will vastly improve. Here's more tips on how to use google search specifically.
  • Wikipedia. This is the modern day Encyclopedia. You'll find a lot of factual information on it. The big criticism about it several years ago was that since the content was user generated that it had a lot of information that wasn't accurate. Now you don't have to worry about that so much because there are so many writers/editors that the content has become more reliable. I mean they even have a wiki article on the Reliability of Wikipedia.
  • Other People. The original way of finding answers. But now you have social resources such as Facebook and Twitter. Curious about what everyone thinks about something? Just post it to your Facebook wall or tweet about it and you're bound to get a response.

So go out there! Find answers to your curiosities.

I do warn you though. Mastering these skills can be somewhat like opening Pandora's Box. You may find your curiosity to be never satisfied.

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