Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 54: Everyone has Off Days

Today was just one of those days. I did a lot of different things today and got a lot of stuff done but it almost felt as if I wasn't doing anything at all. Ever have that feeling?

I guess its just a blah day which is something everyone has once in a while. I mean we are human. Pro athletes have them all the time. A basketball player's shot might be off or a pitcher might just not have the right stuff. This off feeling doesn't only affect us physically, but also mentally and even spiritually.

One of the most real things that someone has ever told me is from a good friend of mine who is a Pastor. He said, "there are days where even I struggle spiritually." That's brutal honesty. Especially from a Pastor.

Everyone struggles. Sometimes you can find the reason sometimes you can't. For me, I attribute today's lackadaisical mood to yesterday's free IHOP pancakes that I had for dinner.


Team Intensity/Technique Swim

Swim started out great. I kind of attacked the warmup because I was excited that I could push off the walls with both feet. I didn't get the clearance from my orthopedic but since I did run this past Saturday I figured it couldn't hurt. It was great! My stroke felt smooth and I was hitting my flip turns. Then I got tired.

We've already acknowledged that pancakes were the problem so I'm not even going to get into the rest of the workout. I finished it. End of story.


Rock Wall Climbing

I almost didn't make it to this. Because of the way I was feeling I just wanted to pass out on the couch as soon as I got home from work. I'm glad I decided to go.

I tried some tougher climbs today. Now I can see why everyone has those packs of powder. Your hands get sweaty while up there. To quote another guy climbing with us, "my hands are sweating like I'm on a first date." Its that serious.

One thing that I learned is that you don't want to use your muscles when your holding yourself up there. You just want to let your skeleton (I'm sure I'm describing this wrong). The point is that you don't want to keep your muscles flexed or they will fatigue faster, you just want to stay loose and let your skeletal frame distribute the pressure associated with holding yourself up.

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