Tuesday, March 8, 2011

3rd GTD Weekly Review

Time to Complete: 50 minutes

This was a quickie. I had been monitoring my lists and emptying my inbox throughout the week to make this easier.

I still think I can make it a little faster. One of the things I've been trying to do is digitizing everything. I still have project folders and tickler files but I think I've worked out a way to have those things on my computer. I'll try and incorporate that this week and see how it affects next week's review.


joyRuN said...

It doesn't take me long to do the weekly review. I usually get into my Toodledo a couple of times a day to add/clarify/complete/manage all my "stuff", so when it comes to weekly review, it's not bad at all.

Maybe I'm not doing it right?

Ryan Castillo said...

Did you read the entire book? I actually go down an entire list of things to do for the weekly review. Collect papers, check calendars, go through all projects, go through all action steps, etc.