Team Intensity/Technique Bike
We did another high intensity workout intended to push us to our limits. It wasn't too bad, I might have held back a little because I was worried about tweaking my knee like I did last week. At the end of the set though, my heart rate was in the right place so I did eventually get to the intended effort.One of the things that got me going even harder was that Coach Michael told us to envision or goals for this year. On the bike I don't really have any race goals but I do have a pace goal for a specific course.
I want to average 25 mph on the 6 mile West Creek course. West Creek is where we do time trials to gauge our improvement. With this goal I have to take about 40 seconds off my fastest time which is doable with consistent work and maybe a little drafting.
One more note about this morning's workout: I think someone crop dusted me. Actually I know they did, I just don't know who. What was worst is they got me right after we ended a hard effort so I was breathing hard. "Now that's how you get pink eye."
I'm going on 3 years of being caffeine free, from the suggestion of my Dr. I quit cold turkey and realized I'm a naturally high person once I get out of bed. I don't miss the taste of Coke or Pepsi, but I do miss the red bull with vodka.
Hahaha. I forgot to mention that the 1% of caffeine involves the splash of coke I sometimes have with my whiskey.
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