Sometimes in life you just have to adjust your perspective a little. "Man that swim workout was tough!" can easily be changed to "Wow! I can't believe I made it through that workout. I could barely swim a lap a year ago." Its all about finding the little adjustments in perspective to enjoy the journey a little more.
Do you have a task coming up that seems monumental? Just take the time and enjoy the process rather than focussing on the end goal. Everyone enjoys accomplishing things. Its OK to lower our standards every once in a while just to have those little moral victories.
Knee Exercises
Nothing fancy here. Just a couple of exercises to help rehabilitate my knee.6:45PM
Bike Recovery
I usually can't do some of the warm-ups we have for strength class because of my knee so I jumped on the bike to get a little sweat going. Things felt good.7:15PM
Strength Class
This was the first time I went to strength class in a while. They changed the format and its more like a crossfit setup rather than a time at each exercise. It was different which is good. Its nice to switch things up every once in a while.At the end of it Rusty and I did what everyone started terming as "workout HORSE". He'd do a challenging exercise and I'd see if I could do it too. The last thing he did involved a pull-up position combined with windshield wipers. It looked crazy. I think that guy needs to get into gymnastics.
Hi Ryan -- I've been lurking since your blog posts started showing up on FaceBook... I'm pleased and amazed by your training!
As for lowering your standards in the name of happiness, when the little one comes, just remember this post! You'll accept a pile of toys in the corner of a room that used to be clutter-free, learn to live with drool spots on your shirt all day long, and love the decrease in productivity for the sake of adoring and nurturing your progeny! :)
Thanks K! We are always getting told the same things by recent parents. I've got my calm down and walk away strategy in place. I often practice it when I feel like shaking my computer.
Glad to hear from you and now I have another blog to follow!
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