Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Weekly Review Reset

Time to complete 1:05

Well that sucked. I decided to reset my Weekly Review count back to one since I didn't accomplish the simple rule of finishing it before midnight on Tuesday. If there is a moral victory in any of this at least I completed the task. I also made myself do the review to completion regardless of how early I have to wake up tomorrow morning (I'm supposed to go swim at 6AM).

The review took long again and its mainly because I did not stay on top of emptying out my physical inbox. I let things pile in it over the last four days and spent about half of the Weekly Review emptying it out. Hopefully the fatigue I'm feeling right now will help hammer this lesson into my head. Off to bed...


joyRuN said...

I think that's why it doesn't take me long to do the weekly review - I process the "stuff" that goes into my inbox the same day so it's ready to go. My "stuff" isn't nearly as complex as yours though.

Ryan Castillo said...

Yeah. I got a crazy amount of stuff that I track. Has the system been helping at home?