Since starting this streak I now regularly make it to all of my coached workouts. I even managed to do this despite suffering a pretty significant injury. But this isn't the only area where I've gained more control over my life.
- I read the Bible and work on my spirituality daily. This is a more recent development. I try to start every day with this so that it can help me put the day into perspective.
- I floss daily. This may not be a biggie to some people but I think I went through all my years of college without seeing the dentist. To say that my oral hygiene was lacking would be an understatement.
- My GTD system has improved. I've made drastic improvements to the way I get things done. This is due to the fact that I do my weekly review consistently.
- I read more often. I used to love to read in High School. Over the years with TV that habit kind of just died. I now carry a book with me just about anytime I go out.
- I cook more often. My pregnant wife loves this one. I used to cook a lot during college but somehow also got out of that habit. Admittedly this has stopped the last several weeks but its mostly because we've been doing a lot of other things to prepare for the little man.
I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this streak going, especially when my wife goes into labor and we bring the little guy home. As most of you who answered the poll suggested, its no problem, I can just start over again. I'm happy with the progressed I've made and look forward to continuing to grow personally.
Solo Run
My goal was to do at least a 6 mile run but it had been a long weekend and I was feeling kind of lazy. I decided that I also wanted to push the pace more to see if I was back to my old speed. This ended up being a mistake.By mile 3 my calves were tightening up and decided to wrap things up to fight another day. I'm just thankful that I got to go out and run.
As a tip to new runners (this currently applies to me as well), its better to go slower when you're increasing either the distance you run or the amount of time you spend on your feet. The speed will come naturally once you establish a good base of mileage. Then you can start throwing things in to help increase speed such as hill work or speed work. Just be consistent and listen to your body (again, just telling myself this).
GTD = Gym, Tan, ... Doodie?
First of all it makes me sad for the human race that I understand that reference even though I have no cable.
Second of all on the off chance that you are being somewhat serious GTD = Getting Things Done.
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