Monday, February 28, 2011

GTD Weekly Review Day 2

Time to Complete: 1:07

I decided to get this done today since I may be hitting the road tomorrow. It took me a little longer to finish than I'd like considering I felt like I did it pretty quickly. This is one of the problems that causes people to get off their weekly reviews. Leo Babauta over at zenhabits writes:

It’s one of the reasons we put off GTD’s Weekly Review: because it can take so darn long. Many of my reviews have come in at 2-3 hours, and if I get interrupted a number of times, even longer. When something takes so long, and we are so busy with other projects, no wonder many people skip this critical component.

He goes on to list several solutions on how to improve your weekly review. I recommend the read if you have the time. The weekly review is a pretty critical component of GTD.

For me I found that I should review my action lists more often, get more things off my brain and into my inbox, and clear out my inbox daily. Another one of Leo's tips is to reward yourself after your done. I was half tempted to eat a S'more or some ice cream but I have to do some yoga before the end of the day.

[Source: zenhabits]

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