Thursday, February 17, 2011

Training Streak: Day 41



This was just a warm up swim for my aqua run. My goal was to get 7 flip turns in a row which equates to 200m. I only got to 5 and the 5th one was really sloppy. For some reason it also seems as I'm moving through the water at a slower pace. I'm not sure if this is because I have more control and therefore more comfortable going slow. It could also be soemthing wrong with my form. Not sure.

Aqua Run

I now have a sense why people always suggest music for aqua runs. The place was empty. I think the lifeguards were so bored they started to stare at me as I treaded through the water. The workout was a ladder set of intervals so it wasn't too boring. I still haven't found my different efforts with aqua running. Its either been go all out or go slow. Nothing in between.

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