Monday, May 16, 2011

More Projects Please

I've decided that I've neglected developing my programming expertise for far too long. Sure, I do a lot of reading and I come up with a lot of ideas but I never go through with starting or finishing them. Sometimes I think I should find a job as a professional thinker rather than programmer.

Since today is my first day back at work I wanted to spent the majority of the day programming, including free time. They say that you should love your profession so much that you want to continue doing it in your free time. To tell you the truth I'm not sure if I feel that way about my profession but at the same time I haven't given it an honest shot. I've read books and learned about a lot of new interesting things but I haven't spent enough doing what it all boils down to: coding.

So I coded up a new project and shared it over at github. The code basically creates sequential integer directories given an integer that specifies the end point. It seems trivial but I wanted to do this for several reasons:

  • I needed an excuse to code.
  • I wanted to learn more about Ruby.
  • I wanted to practice doing TDD.
  • I needed to create 31 sequential folders for GTD. I had been meaning to create a digital tickler file but never got around to it. Following the Don't Repeat Yourself principle I decided to use this as an opportunity to code rather than sit there and create 31 new folders by "hand"

Like I said this seems trivial right now but if I recall correctly a mile seemed trivial two years ago and look how far I've come.


Brian said...

I think "They" are wrong. Hardly anyone enjoys their profession that much. The best *most* people can hope for is a decent job that provides them with the means to maintain a healthy work/life balance -- time off and money to spend during that time.

Ryan Castillo said...

You're right Brian. I've contemplated this idea for quite some time. It seems if everyone was doing what they "loved" then we wouldn't have people doing all the dirty work.

I'm sure my grandfathers didn't have this kind of choice. I wonder where this whole idea started. Must be a Gen X and beyond concept.

Unknown said...

Hi - I've come up with a system for doing a tickler file on OSX using Hazel. You can find the details here : - hope you find it useful