Monday, January 31, 2011

Feeling Sick? Exercise or Rest

Usually when I get sick I try to be mindful of how sick I am and how contagious I could potentially be. If I just caught something I avoid workouts where I could get other people sick. This is usually just the weight room or indoor bike classes.

When I'm sick I try to give a workout a go and see if it makes me feel better. If I feel worse afterward or the next day then I take that as a sign to back off.

I've heard that a good rule of thumb is the "neck up" concept. If all of your symptoms are affecting you from the neck up then its ok to exercise otherwise its probably best to stay at home.

Most important of all, just listen to your body. It will tell you if you can go or not.

Anyone else have tips on what you can and can not do while your sick?

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