Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 49: 25 fast, 25 fast, ..., 25 fast


Optional Swim

I got to the pool and man was I spent. All the lanes were filled and the person I was meeting had not shown up yet. I thought to myse.f, "maybe I can just go back home." Then Marco walks in. Crap!

The warmup for this swim felt great. It seemed like I was moving through the water very efficiently. My kicking on the side drills are still not going the way I'd like them to but that's why we work on technique, to improve in these areas. The breath away drill is improving so thats good news.

The main set consisted of a bazillion 25s at a fast pace. These didn't hurt too much as we had a decent amount of rest between each 25.

One thing that I realized is that I've probably lost the rhythm in my kick. This is something that worked on quite a bit last year but I may have lost it as I took several weeks off from swimming. I guess I'll some 2-beat and 3-beat kick drills into my next swim.

Very Quick Aqua Run

I only did this for about 5 minutes. I was worn out from our main swim set and I also didn't have that floating run belt on. Its crazy hard without the belt! My left leg felt kind of tight, but thats probably because its the only leg I'm using to push off the wall.

It looks like its going to be beautiful in the RVA this weekend. I can finally take my bike out onto the road. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Unknown said...

i swear i was born half-fish because i love to swim (and drink haha)! never thought of using it as a form of training or exercise, but you're motivating me again. baby steps, brotha, baby steps! running is going great btw. thanks for the encouragement!

Ryan Castillo said...

Nice! Get in the pool. I'm sure you can find a Masters Swim class in SD that will get you some good workouts.