Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Training Streak: Day 32

6:00AM Technique/Intensity Bike

As I mentioned yesterday its immersion week at EF. Its a time when new and old members of the training team start to gear up for the season. Today we went over a lot of concepts of bike technique. At the end there was a test for everyone's current fitness level. It was essentially an all out 20 minute effort. I felt relatively strong during the effort. I was able to get an idea of what my current max heart rate is as well as the steady state for my heart rate at that intensity.

7:15PM Strength Workout

Just focused on the basics of strength class. Push-ups, squat variations, and core work. Rusty explained the differences in our various phases of training. I can still do the power push-ups. Didn't try the behind the back clap though because of the last time when I fell on my face. Had to do the peg board at the end of class as well just to be sure I can still climb to the top.

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