Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 70: Partying Hard

Wow! 70 straight days of working out. There were a couple of questionable days in there were I just did a brief 10 minute workout but overall I've been pushing it pretty hard.

Yesterday for Saint Patrick's Day I decided to party hard. I don't tend to drink at all so when I call up my buddies to go out for drinks I usually get a "so you feel off the wagon" response.

Its not that I don't enjoy to have a drink every now and then its just that I've chosen to prioritize other activities. But you do have to have a balance and as I much as I tend to work out and work I like to have these "party hard" days a couple of times a year just to reset.


Strength Workout

I spent most of the day recovering from yesterday evening so I didn't get to workout until the evening. My upper body feels real strong right now. I was surprised at the number of pull-ups I was able to in addition to the rest of my workout. Its weird, my body body doesn't really get sore from all this exercise anymore. It might be time to change up the routine a little. I hear great things about crossfit but I don't think I have the time.


Like yesterday this went out the window as today's diet consisted mostly of water and recovery foods.

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