Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 74: Refreshed!

Man I'm glad I just did yoga yesterday. I feel great! Getting my nutrition under control also seems to be helping.


Team Intensity Bike

We did a descending ladder focusing on hitting zones 4, 5, and 6. For me the sets hitting zones 4 and 5 weren't too bad but I got pretty unraveled when we did the sets for zone 6.

I could feel my mind fighting me and telling me switch to an easier gear. Its weird when you hit those points of exhaustion and your in a literal mental battle with yourself. I wonder what it is that helps us keep on going? Sheer will?

Another thing of notice is that I was sweating like crazy. I don't think it was any hotter in the training room so I guess it might be the extra calories I've been consuming. I might have to start tracking my weight to be sure. Some elite athletes that I've talked to said they notice drops in their performance when they weigh an extra pound. I don't think I have that kind of self awareness but who knows maybe one day.


This run felt amazing! It was my first brick of the year and the first time I ran on the rode since I hurt my knee. It took me a little while to get the legs turning but I felt the run progressively start to feel effortless. I kept my cadence high and felt in a great shape after the end of the run. Its great to know that I'm recovering well from my injury.


2382 Calories Consumed - day isn't over yet.

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